Wq/ig/Igbo Wikimedians User Group Wiki For Human Rights Contest 2022

zh: Wq/ig/Igbo 維基媒體用戶組 Wiki 用於 2022 年人權競賽

This is a Redlist on human rights for the Wiki For Human Rights Contest 2022. This contest is organised by the Igbo Wikimedians User Group to encourage her members participate in the #WikiForHumanRight challenge.This writing contest is about human rights and environmental health around the world! You can add more articles on human rights to this list. The English Wikiquote articles are beside the translated titles for reference



  1. wq/ig/Edward Abbey
  2. wq/ig/Lily Allen
  3. wq/ig/David Amess
  4. wq/ig/Julie Andersen
  5. wq/ig/David Attenborough
  6. wq/ig/Ed Ayres
  7. wq/ig/Joan Baez
  8. wq/ig/Rick Bass
  9. wq/ig/Roy Bedichek
  10. wq/ig/Siân Berry
  11. wq/ig/Thomas Berry
  12. wq/ig/Wendell Berry
  13. wq/ig/Björk
  14. wq/ig/Cate Blanchett
  15. wq/ig/Murray Bookchin
  16. wq/ig/Stewart Brand
  17. wq/ig/Pierce Brosnan
  18. wq/ig/Jackson Browne
  19. wq/ig/Rachel Carson
  20. wq/ig/Shaun Chamberlin
  21. wq/ig/Steve Chase
  22. wq/ig/Don Cheadle
  23. wq/ig/Julie Christie
  24. wq/ig/Steven Chu
  25. wq/ig/John B. Cobb
  26. wq/ig/Daniel Cohn-Bendit
  27. wq/ig/Barry Commoner
  28. wq/ig/Rod Coronado
  29. wq/ig/Céline Cousteau
  30. wq/ig/Fabien Cousteau
  31. wq/ig/Jean-Michel Cousteau
  32. wq/ig/Greg Craven
  33. wq/ig/Severn Cullis-Suzuki
  34. wq/ig/Deng Feng-Zhou (zh: 鄧豐洲)
  35. wq/ig/Diana, Princess of Wales (zh: 戴安娜王妃)
  36. wq/ig/Leonardo DiCaprio
  37. wq/ig/William O. Douglas
  38. wq/ig/Robert Downey Jr.
  39. wq/ig/Paul R. Ehrlich
  40. wq/ig/Lawrence Ferlinghetti
  41. wq/ig/Tim Flannery
  42. wq/ig/David Fleming
  43. wq/ig/Harrison Ford
  44. wq/ig/Jerome Foster II
  45. wq/ig/Masanobu Fukuoka
  46. wq/ig/Tulsi Gabbard
  47. wq/ig/Birutė Galdikas
  48. wq/ig/Maneka Gandhi
  49. wq/ig/David Goodstein
  50. wq/ig/Al Gore
  51. wq/ig/Madison Grant
  52. wq/ig/John Gray (philosopher)
  53. wq/ig/Hank Green
  54. wq/ig/Roger Hallam
  55. wq/ig/Daryl Hannah
  56. wq/ig/Arnold Hano
  57. wq/ig/Garrett Hardin
  58. wq/ig/Woody Harrelson
  59. wq/ig/Paul Hawken
  60. wq/ig/Pete Hay
  61. wq/ig/David Helvarg
  62. wq/ig/Don Henley
  63. wq/ig/Frank Herbert
  64. wq/ig/Julia Butterfly Hill
  65. wq/ig/Hugh Iltis
  66. wq/ig/Steve Irwin
  67. wq/ig/Richard Jefferies
  68. wq/ig/Derrick Jensen
  69. wq/ig/Van Jones
  70. wq/ig/Joseph Annamkutty Jose
  71. wq/ig/Theodore Kaczynski
  72. wq/ig/Kevin Kelly (editor)
  73. wq/ig/Margrit Kennedy
  74. wq/ig/Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.
  75. wq/ig/Margot Kidder
  76. wq/ig/Carole King
  77. wq/ig/Paul Kingsnorth
  78. wq/ig/Elizabeth Kolbert
  79. wq/ig/Joseph Wood Krutch
  80. wq/ig/Dennis Kucinich
  81. wq/ig/Winona LaDuke
  82. wq/ig/Lai Pei-yuan
  83. wq/ig/Gary Larson
  84. wq/ig/Aldo Leopold
  85. wq/ig/Jared Leto
  86. wq/ig/Charles Lindbergh
  87. wq/ig/Pentti Linkola
  88. wq/ig/James Lovelock
  89. wq/ig/Amory Lovins
  90. wq/ig/Caroline Lucas
  91. wq/ig/Joanna Macy
  92. wq/ig/Jerry Mander
  93. wq/ig/Peter Matthiessen
  94. wq/ig/Elizabeth May
  95. wq/ig/Tom McCall
  96. wq/ig/Bill McKibben
  97. wq/ig/Guy McPherson
  98. wq/ig/Donella Meadows
  99. wq/ig/Bette Midler
  100. wq/ig/Izabella Miko
  101. wq/ig/Hayao Miyazaki
  102. wq/ig/George Monbiot
  103. wq/ig/John Muir
  104. wq/ig/Lewis Mumford
  105. wq/ig/Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi
  106. wq/ig/Ralph Nader
  107. wq/ig/Mohamed Nasheed
  108. wq/ig/Willie Nelson
  109. wq/ig/Helena Norberg-Hodge
  110. wq/ig/Edward Norton
  111. wq/ig/Eugene Odum
  112. wq/ig/Sigurd F. Olson
  113. wq/ig/Arthur Uther Pendragon
  114. wq/ig/Michelle Pfeiffer
  115. wq/ig/Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
  116. wq/ig/Joaquin Phoenix
  117. wq/ig/River Phoenix
  118. wq/ig/Princess Marie-Esméralda of Belgium
  119. wq/ig/Lewis Pugh
  120. wq/ig/Phra Paisal Visalo
  121. wq/ig/Christopher Reeve
  122. wq/ig/Hubert Reeves
  123. wq/ig/Charles A. Reich
  124. wq/ig/Robert Reich
  125. wq/ig/John Robbins (author)
  126. wq/ig/Mary Robinson
  127. wq/ig/Arundhati Roy
  128. wq/ig/Mark Ruffalo
  129. wq/ig/John Ruskin
  130. wq/ig/Jeffrey Sachs
  131. wq/ig/Carl Safina
  132. wq/ig/Leila Salazar-Lopez
  133. wq/ig/Richard Sandbrook
  134. wq/ig/Bernie Sanders
  135. wq/ig/Mark Satin
  136. wq/ig/Savitri Devi
  137. wq/ig/Molly Scott Cato
  138. wq/ig/Chief Seattle
  139. wq/ig/Pete Seeger
  140. wq/ig/Ravi Shankar (spiritual leader)
  141. wq/ig/Paul Shepard
  142. wq/ig/Vandana Shiva
  143. wq/ig/Alicia Silverstone
  144. wq/ig/Gary Snyder
  145. wq/ig/Hilda Solis
  146. wq/ig/James Gustave Speth
  147. wq/ig/Jeffrey St. Clair
  148. wq/ig/Starhawk
  149. wq/ig/Alex Steffen
  150. wq/ig/Wallace Stegner
  151. wq/ig/Jill Stein
  152. wq/ig/Nicholas Stern, Baron Stern of Brentford
  153. wq/ig/Maurice Strong
  154. wq/ig/Tristram Stuart
  155. wq/ig/David Suzuki
  156. wq/ig/Richard Swift
  157. wq/ig/Tan Zuoren
  158. wq/ig/Irene Tarimo
  159. wq/ig/Emma Thompson
  160. wq/ig/Henry David Thoreau
  161. wq/ig/Greta Thunberg
  162. wq/ig/Jürgen Trittin
  163. wq/ig/Jeff VanderMeer
  164. wq/ig/Alexandria Villaseñor
  165. wq/ig/Paul Watson
  166. wq/ig/Dennis Weaver
  167. wq/ig/Sigourney Weaver
  168. wq/ig/Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
  169. wq/ig/Tim Winton
  170. wq/ig/David Wood (philosopher)
  171. wq/ig/Yeo Bee Yin
  172. wq/ig/Michelle Yeoh
  173. wq/ig/Howard Zahniser

Anti-racism activists

  1. wq/ig/Mikhail Bakunin
  2. wq/ig/Bhagat Singh
  3. wq/ig/Susan Blackmore
  4. wq/ig/Charles Bradlaugh
  5. wq/ig/Chapman Cohen
  6. wq/ig/Pat Condell
  7. wq/ig/Jerry Coyne
  8. wq/ig/Richard Dawkins
  9. wq/ig/Daniel Dennett
  10. wq/ig/Karlheinz Deschner
  11. wq/ig/Matt Dillahunty
  12. wq/ig/Sonja Eggerickx
  13. wq/ig/Friedrich Engels
  14. wq/ig/George William Foote
  15. wq/ig/Ricky Gervais
  16. wq/ig/Vitaly Ginzburg
  17. wq/ig/A. C. Grayling
  18. wq/ig/Sam Harris
  19. wq/ig/Claude Adrien Helvétius
  20. wq/ig/Nâzım Hikmet
  21. wq/ig/Christopher Hitchens
  22. wq/ig/Baron d'Holbach
  23. wq/ig/Enver Hoxha
  24. wq/ig/David Hume
  25. wq/ig/Penn Jillette
  26. wq/ig/Nikita Khrushchev
  27. wq/ig/Lawrence M. Krauss
  28. wq/ig/Julien Offray de La Mettrie
  29. wq/ig/Vladimir Lenin
  30. wq/ig/Bill Maher
  31. wq/ig/Karl Marx
  32. wq/ig/Jean Meslier
  33. wq/ig/Jonathan Miller
  34. wq/ig/Tim Minchin
  35. wq/ig/Yasmine Mohammed
  36. wq/ig/Aron Ra
  37. wq/ig/Ayn Rand
  38. wq/ig/James Randi
  39. wq/ig/Goparaju Ramachandra Rao
  40. wq/ig/Marquis de Sade
  41. wq/ig/José Saramago
  42. wq/ig/Jean-Paul Sartre
  43. wq/ig/Percy Bysshe Shelley
  44. wq/ig/Michael Shermer
  45. wq/ig/David Silverman
  46. wq/ig/Joseph Stalin
  47. wq/ig/Doug Stanhope
  48. wq/ig/Chris Stedman
  49. wq/ig/Max Stirner
  50. wq/ig/Leon Trotsky
  51. wq/ig/Benjamin Tucker
  52. wq/ig/Steven Weinberg
  53. wq/ig/Slavoj Žižek

Human right/right to a healthy environment

  1. wq/ig/Ikike mmadụ Human rights
  2. wq/ig/Ndụ Ndị Oji Dị Mkpa Black Lives Matter
  3. wq/ig/Slavery in Britain
  4. wq/ig/Egalitarianism
  5. wq/ig/Freedom House
  6. wq/ig/Freedom of thought
  7. wq/ig/Global Exchange
  8. wq/ig/Hindu American Foundation
  9. wq/ig/Homicide
  10. wq/ig/Betrayal
  11. wq/ig/Humanitarian intervention
  12. wq/ig/Right Livelihood
  13. Wq/ig/Slavery in the United States
  14. wq/ig/Slavery in India
  15. wq/ig/Slavery in Sudan
  16. wq/ig/Slavery in Asia
  17. wq/ig/Political prisoner
  18. wq/ig/Reparations for Slavery
  19. wq/ig/Islamic Views on Slavery
  20. wq/ig/Racism
  21. wq/ig/Racism in the United States
  22. wq/ig/Racism in South Korea
  23. wq/ig/Racism in South Africa
  24. wq/ig/Racism in the United Kingdom
  25. wq/ig/Racism in Canada
  26. wq/ig/Medieval Arab altitudes to Black People
  27. wq/ig/Racial Views of Donald Trump
  28. wq/ig/Racial Segregation
  29. Wq/ig/White Supremacy
  30. wq/ig/White Privilege
  31. wq/ig/Solitary confinement
  32. wq/ig/Nkwuwapụta zuru ụwa ọnụ maka Ikike Mmadụ Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  33. wq/ig/Slavery
  34. wq/ig/Child Poverty
  35. wq/ig/Freedom of speech
  36. wq/ig/Beck v. Eiland-Hall
  37. wq/ig/Nnyocha nkewapu na India Censorship in India
  38. wq/ig/Cryptome
  39. wq/ig/Onye ọ bụla see n'ụbọchị Mohammed Everybody Draw Mohammed Day
  40. wq/ig/Filter bubble
  41. wq/ig/Free Speech Movement
  42. wq/ig/Nnwere onwe nke ndị oru nta akụkọ Freedom of the Press
  43. wq/ig/Right to Property
  44. wq/ig/Right of Revolution
  45. wq/ig/Animal rights
  46. wq/ig/Animal rights Movement
  47. wq/ig/Mgbochi akụkọ ihe mere eme Historical negationism
  48. wq/ig/Ihe mkpali na mgbukpọ Incitement to genocide
  49. wq/ig/Streisand effect
  50. wq/ig/WikiLeaks
  51. wq/ig/Gburugburu ebe obibi Environmentalism
  52. wq/ig/Ike ọzọ Alternative energy
  53. wq/ig/Carbon sequestration
  54. wq/ig/Ekofeminism Ecofeminism
  55. wq/ig/Green New Deal
  56. wq/ig/Otu esi ezere Ọdachi ihu igwe How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
  57. wq/ig/Reclaim the Streets
  58. wq/ig/Religion and environmentalism
  59. wq/ig/Renewable energy
  60. wq/ig/Nkwado Sustainability
  61. wq/ig/Carbon sequestration
  62. wq/ig/Jean-Marc Jancovici
  63. wq/ig/The Limits to Growth
  64. wq/ig/Oke ọnụ ọgụgụ mmadụ Overpopulation
  65. wq/ig/Kate Raworth
  66. wq/ig/Renewable energy
  67. wq/ig/Biodiversity
  68. wq/ig/Biogeochemical cycle
  69. wq/ig/Conservation
  70. wq/ig/Decoupling
  71. wq/ig/Divestment
  72. wq/ig/Ecocide
  73. wq/ig/Ecological economics
  74. wq/ig/Ecology
  75. wq/ig/Ecosystem
  76. wq/ig/Environment of India
  77. wq/ig/Great Acceleration
  78. wq/ig/Ụmụ ahụhụ na-ata ahụhụ Insect suffering
  79. wq/ig/Ibi ka parasaiti Parasitism
  80. wq/ig/Petroleum engineering
  81. wq/ig/Pollution
  82. wq/ig/Population ecology
  83. wq/ig/Ijide anụ oriri Predation
  84. wq/ig/Quicksand
  85. wq/ig/Spaceship Earth
  86. wq/ig/Sustainable development
  87. wq/ig/Waste
  88. wq/ig/Anụ ọhịa na-ata ahụhụ Wild animal suffering
  89. Wq/ig/Energy
  90. Wq/ig/Ihe mgbochi Antimatter
  91. Wq/ig/Calories
  92. Wq/ig/Carbon sequestration
  93. Wq/ig/Electricity
  94. Wq/ig/Energy in Europe
  95. Wq/ig/Energy system
  96. Wq/ig/Entropy (thermodynamics)
  97. Wq/ig/Fossil fuel
  98. Wq/ig/Ike nuklia Nuclear power
  99. Wq/ig/Oil
  100. Wq/ig/Renewable energy
  101. Wq/ig/Temodinamiks Thermodynamics
  102. Wq/ig/United States Atomic Energy Commission
  103. Wq/ig/Zero-point energy
  104. Wq/ig/Carbon sequestration
  105. Wq/ig/This Changes Everything (book)
  106. Wq/ig/Climate Action Network
  107. Wq/ig/Ngọnarị igbanwe ihu igwe Climate change denial
  108. Wq/ig/Nkwekọrịta sayensị igbanwe ihu igwe Scientific consensus on climate change
  109. Wq/ig/Extinction Rebellion
  110. Wq/ig/Esemokwu mgbanwe ihu igwe nke ExxonMobil ExxonMobil climate change controversy
  111. Wq/ig/Fossil fuel divestment
  112. Wq/ig/Okpomọkụ gburugburu ụwa Global warming
  113. Wq/ig/Paris Agreement
  114. Wq/ig/School strike for climate
  115. Wq/ig/Tipping points in the climate system
  116. wq/ig/Ikike obodo Civil rights
  117. wq/ig/Nnwere onwe nke okpukpere chi Freedom of religion
  118. wq/ig/Enwere m Nrọ I have a Dream
  119. wq/ig/Òtù Mba Nile Maka Ọganihu Ndị dị Oji National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  120. wq/ig/Mgbasa Ozi Ndị Ogbenye: Oku Mba maka Mmụta omume ọma Poor People's Campaign:A National Call for a Moral Revival
  121. wq/ig/Nọdụ-n'ime Sit-in

Human rights activists

  1. wq/ig/Hafsat Abiola
  2. wq/ig/Massinissa Akandouch
  3. wq/ig/B. R. Ambedkar
  4. wq/ig/Frances Ames
  5. wq/ig/Amnesty International
  6. wq/ig/Gillian Anderson
  7. wq/ig/Jacob M. Appel
  8. wq/ig/Arik Ascherman
  9. wq/ig/Aung San Suu Kyi
  10. wq/ig/Alice Bailey
  11. wq/ig/Beatrice Borromeo
  12. wq/ig/Peter Benenson
  13. wq/ig/Medea Benjamin
  14. wq/ig/Richard Benkin
  15. wq/ig/Jeremy Bentham
  16. wq/ig/Jello Biafra
  17. wq/ig/Hebe de Bonafini
  18. wq/ig/Yelena Bonner
  19. wq/ig/Pearl S. Buck
  20. wq/ig/Salwa Bughaighis
  21. wq/ig/Louise Burfitt-Dons
  22. wq/ig/Bartolomé de las Casas
  23. wq/ig/Johnny Cash
  24. wq/ig/Cesar Chavez
  25. wq/ig/Chen Guangcheng
  26. wq/ig/Noam Chomsky
  27. wq/ig/Stephen F. Cohen
  28. wq/ig/Jeremy Corbyn
  29. wq/ig/Stephen Corry
  30. wq/ig/Irwin Cotler
  31. wq/ig/Benjamin Creme
  32. wq/ig/Edvin Kanka Cudic
  33. wq/ig/Patrisse Cullors
  34. wq/ig/Nonie Darwish
  35. wq/ig/Maurice Davis
  36. wq/ig/John Dayal
  37. wq/ig/Viktor Đerek
  38. wq/ig/Ariel Dorfman
  39. wq/ig/Abdul Sattar Edhi
  40. wq/ig/Jan Egeland
  41. wq/ig/Mohamed ElBaradei
  42. wq/ig/Michael Elmore-Meegan
  43. wq/ig/Ben Emmerson
  44. wq/ig/Fang Lizhi
  45. wq/ig/Paul Farmer
  46. wq/ig/Peter Gabriel
  47. wq/ig/Abdul Rashid Ghazi
  48. wq/ig/Yasser Harrak
  49. wq/ig/Thom Hartmann
  50. wq/ig/Chris Hedges
  51. wq/ig/Zoia Horn
  52. wq/ig/Human Rights Watch
  53. wq/ig/Waleed Al-Husseini
  54. wq/ig/Leo Igwe
  55. wq/ig/Marie Immaculée Ingabire
  56. wq/ig/International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  57. wq/ig/Helen Hunt Jackson
  58. wq/ig/Jesse Jackson
  59. wq/ig/Jameel Jaffer
  60. wq/ig/Taraneh Javanbakht
  61. wq/ig/Pope John Paul II
  62. wq/ig/Kang Chol-hwan
  63. wq/ig/Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza
  64. wq/ig/Kate Kelly


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